2024-25 Enrollment
Are you seeking a top-notch education provided by a staff dedicated to providing a quality academic education, rooted in excellence and rich with a variety of opportunities designed to expand your child’s learning experience? We’re here for you! Whether your child is just entering kindergarten or embarking on their final years of K-12 schooling, Templeton offers a small school atmosphere with programs typically found in much larger districts, including:
- Visual and Performing Arts programs with a performing arts center second to none in our area
- Multiple opportunities to explore Career Technical Education pathways
- Extensive advanced placement course offerings
- Dual enrollment high school courses through Cuesta College
We invite you to visit our TUSD website to learn more about enrolling your child in our exciting schools. You’ll find information on who to contact at the various grade levels, documentation required for enrollment, the interdistrict transfer process for transferring your child from your district of residence to Templeton and more.
Students currently attending Templeton schools will receive information directly from the district regarding the 2024/25 school year. Families who chose an alternative program outside Templeton schools this year and wish to return will need to reenroll for the 2024/25 school year. Please visit our website for more information on how to initiate that process now.
Required Documentation
The following documentation is required to initiate pre-registration for your child(ren).
- Proof of residence within TUSD boundaries, e.g., recent utility bill or escrow documents with your name and physical address; NOTE: rental or lease agreements are not acceptable proof); check the link in TUSD Boundaries on the left to confirm your address is within the TUSD boundaries.
- Immunization records NOTE: California Senate Bill 277 states that exemptions for religious beliefs or other personal beliefs will no longer be accepted. TUSD complies with all state requirements.
- Child's birth certificate
- Copy of 504 Plan, if applicable
- Copy of Individualized Education Plan (IEP), if applicable
Contact: Jessica Fielder
Email: jfielder@templetonusd.org
Phone: (805) 434-5820
Mailing Address: 215 8th Street, Templeton, CA 93465
Copies of your proof of residence, immunization record, and birth certificate may be forwarded via email or US mail to the address above.
The Kindergarten Readiness Act specifies children must be five years of age by September 1 to be eligible for kindergarten in that school year. Children whose fifth birthday falls between September 2 and June 2 will be enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten (TK). Transitional Kindergarten is the first year of a two-year program who qualify based on the Kindergarten Readiness Act. TK students must meet the same requirements, including providing proof of residency, birth certificate, and immunizations.
Class placement is based on many factors. AM/PM class preference will be considered but cannot be guaranteed. Letters confirming AM/PM placement will be mailed at the end of June for all students whose online registration is complete, including the current immunization record which meets all of the requirements for school entry.
Contact: Monica Devera
Email: mdevera@templetonusd.org
Phone: (805) 434-5840
Address: 2121 Vineyard Drive, Templeton, CA 93465
Click for the pre-registration form from the school's website.
Please email your completed pre-registration form and the required supporting documentation to mdevera@templetonusd.org or via US Mail to the address above. While not required, copies of your child's most recent report cards are helpful in determining where to place your child for their optimal success.
Contact: Katie Fiorenza
Email: kfiorenza@templetonusd.org
Phone: (805) 434-5813
Address: 925 Old County Road, Templeton, CA 93465
Click for the pre-registration form from the school's website.
Please send your proof of residence, your child's birth certificate (if available, this will speed up the process) and immunization records via email or US Mail to the address above. Upon receipt of these documents an elective placement form will be emailed to the family in August. Please check our website for the date of the New Student/Parent Orientation meeting in August.
Contact: Laurel Hanson
Email: lhanson@templetonusd.org
Phone: (805) 434-5892
Address: 1200 S. Main Street, Templeton, CA 93465
Please send your proof of residence, your child's birth certificate, and immunization record via email or US Mail to the address above. Upon receipt of these documents a new student enrollment packet and elective placement form will be emailed to the family. Incoming 10th, 11th and 12th grade students must also provide transcript(s) of all high school credits received to date (this can be unofficial); incoming 9th grade students must provide their 8th grade report card. Once these documents are received , a THS Counselor will contact the student/family for class selection and the final enrollment process.
Contact: Janice Casacca
Email: jcasacca@templetonusd.org
Phone: (805) 434-5833
Address: 964 Old County Road, Templeton, CA 93465
Templeton Home School is designed for those families wishing a non-traditional educational experience for their child. Students and their parent meet with the teacher once weekly to receive assignments and review completed work. Students learn at home under the guidance of their parent and their teacher; however, group activities occur throughout the school year to provide social interaction through participation in enriching activities. Please see the enrollment process outlined below:
- Please complete the Pre-Enrollment Form to indicate your interest
- Proof of residence, immunization record, and birth certificate are required to pre-register your new student(s).
- Once you student is approved for enrollment and the Pre-Enrollment form is submitted, our official enrollment packet will be sent to you via email.
- If you do not reside in the TUSD district boundaries, please refer to the Interdistrict Transfer enrollment tab.
Contact: Janice Casacca
Email: jcasacca@templetonusd.org
Phone: (805) 434-5833
Address: 964 Old County Road, Templeton, CA 93465
Templeton Independent Study High School is for students in grades 9 - 12 seeking an alternative to the traditional classroom setting. Students often are involved in activities that require a more flexible schedule or are seeking to enroll in college courses to accelerate their learning. Please see the enrollment process outlined below:
- Please complete the Pre-Enrollment Form to indicate your interest
- Proof of residence, immunization record, and birth certificate are required to pre-register your new student(s).
- Once you student is approved for enrollment and the Pre-Enrollment form is submitted, our official enrollment packet will be sent to you via email.
- If you do not reside in the TUSD district boundaries, please refer to the Interdistrict Transfer enrollment tab.
Contact: Janice Casacca
Email: jcasacca@templetonusd.org
Phone: (805) 434-5833
Address: 964 Old County Road, Templeton, CA 93465
Eagle Canyon Continuation High School is a continuation program for students in grades 10 - 12 who are behind in credits. Enrollment is limited and all requests for students to transfer from the traditional high school to Eagle Canyon will be reviewed and approved by Mrs. Lloyd, THS Principal. All other requests to enroll in Eagle Canyon will be reviewed and approved by Mr. Trejo, Assistant Superintendent - Ed Services. Proof of residence, immunization record, and birth certificate are required to pre-register your new student(s). To initiate enrollment, please forward these documents to jcasacca@templetonusd.org or via US Mail to 964 Old County Road, Templeton, CA 93465
For families who do not physically reside within the boundaries of TUSD, an interdistrict transfer provides an opportunity for your child to attend outside your district of residence.
The first step is to obtain a release from your district of residence. Without a release, we are unable to process your request. Once you have secured a release from your home district, generally the next steps are:
- Complete TUSD application (available below and at the TUSD District Office)
- If applicable, review of IEP by Director of Special Ed
- Meeting with the student, parent, and principal
- Board action
- Letter confirming approval
Interdistrict transfer applications for the 2025-26 school year will be available March 1. We will begin accepting requests to transfer for the 2025-26 school year on March 3.
- 2025-26 TUSD Interdistrict Transfer Application
- 2025-26 TUSD Interdistrict Transfer Application (Spanish)
- 2024-25 TUSD Interdistrict Transfer Application
- 2024-25 TUSD Interdistrict Transfer Application (Spanish)
Applications should be brought to the District office at 960 Old County Road Templeton, CA 93465.
*Applications MUST include the release from the district of residence to be accepted.
If you have questions regarding an interdistrict transfer, please contact Leslie Bogart at (805) 434-5805.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: My child will turn five years old on September 2 and I want him to go to Kindergarten ... can he?
A: No, TUSD complies with the State Ed Code thus your child must turn five years old on or before September 1 to enroll in Kindergarten. Your child is eligible to enroll in the Transitional Kindergarten, however.
Q: My child will turn five years old on August 30, however, I would prefer to have him attend Transitional Kindergarten. May I enroll him in TK?
A: No, Transitional Kindergarten is for those children whose fifth birthdate falls between September 2 and June 2.
Q: We just relocated from overseas and my child is age-appropriate for 3rd grade but he did not finish 2nd grade at our school overseas. May I enroll him in 2nd grade?
A: Ensuring your child is placed in the appropriate grade level based on his age and development is essential to his success. We encourage you to discuss your child's placement directly with the school principal.
Q: We just moved to Templeton. My child is age-appropriate for 5th grade, but was in 7th grade before our relocation. What grade level will my child be enrolled in?
A: Ensuring your child is placed in the appropriate grade level based on his age and development is essential to his success. We encourage you to discuss your child's placement directly with the school principal.
TUSD Boundaries
Are you wondering whether an address is within the Templeton school district? Click on the link below, enter the address and it will tell you whether it is within our boundaries.
If you're new to our district and your address is within the district's boundaries, contact the school site directly to enroll your children.
If you're address is not within the Templeton school district, please contact Leslie Bogart at (805) 434-5805 for further information on the process for obtaining an interdistrict transfer.
Physical Exam (First Grade Only)
The California state law requires that for each child enrolling in first grade must have a certificate, signed by a physician, verifying that the child has received a physical examination within the last 18 months. If your child does not receive this exam, you must file a waiver with the school, stating the reasons you are unable to obtain such services. You must understand that your child may be sent home if you fail to provide the certificate or waiver, or if your child is suspected to be suffering from a contagious disease.
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