Human Resources
Our Goal: Build further capacity to meet the ongoing staffing needs of the organization and implement a robust multi-faceted professional development program to support the growth and capacity of all staff.
All job applications go through our EdJoin website. Please click here to see current openings.
The Templeton Unified School District Human Resources Office is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.
Meet The Team
Katrina Hughes
(805) 434-5807
Payroll A - I/Accounts Payable
Laura Javine
(805) 434-5808
Payroll J - Z/Health Insurance/Classified employee leaves/PERS retirement
Ashley Tinoco
(805) 434-5801
Human Resources Administrative Assistant
Mia Purdin
(805) 434-5802
Personnel Specialist II
Dr. Edd Bond
(805) 434-5805
TUSD Employees of the Month- December 2024
We have chosen Teri Fredrick as our Certificated Employee of the month. This is Teri’s 6th year supporting one of our Learning Centers at VES as an Education Specialist. Teri works incredibly hard and spends nights and weekends working to ensure she has everything accomplished, and done well. She has developed incredibly positive relationships with staff, students, and families. When there is a need, Teri is always willing to step in! She goes above and beyond in pursuit of the success of her students and delights in their progress. Teri is an incredible asset to TUSD and the Special Education Department. Way to go Teri!
We have chosen Autumn Vetter as our Classified Employee of the month. Autumn came to us last school year and was placed in a challenging assignment, and jumped in to learn her job with enthusiasm and incredible positivity. She has an incredible work ethic and consistently shows up to do her job without complaint, even when we are short staffed and she has to take on more work or take on a new role for the day. Her high level of positivity, consistent professionalism, and constant focus on her job of supporting students to the best of her ability make Autumn an exemplary employee. Way to go Autumn!
- Certificated Salary Schedule
- Certificated Stipend Schedule
- Classified Salary Schedule
- Classified Job Classification List
- Speech Language Pathologist Salary Schedule
- Coaching Stipend Schedule
- Classified Management, Confidential, and Classified Supervisory Schedule
- Certificated Management Salary Schedule
- Assistant Superintendent Business Services Salary Schedule
- Superintendent/CBO Salary Schedule
- Job Descriptions
- Certificated Staff Goals and Objectives
Report an Absence/Request a Substitute
Frontline Employee Access
Absence Instructions for Employees
Frontline Basics and Tips
Employee Self Service Portal (ESS)
The link below will take you to the employee portal where you can view your payroll, leave, and other personnel information related to your employment with TUSD.
Employee Portal (ESS)
Employee Insurance
The link below will connect you to a wealth of resources related to your health, dental and vision insurance.
SISC Member Resources
Employee Evaluation Forms (click link below)
TUSD Employee Evaluation Forms
Tax Sheltered Annuity (TSA)
Need help with a tax sheltered annuity? Click on the link below including retirement calculators and 403(b) and 457(b) providers.
Templeton TSA
Workers Compensation Process
Employee Reports the Injury
When an employee gets hurt on the job, they should immediately report the injury to their supervisor. When reporting an injury, the employee should include all information relevant to the injury, including the day it happened, the type of injury sustained, and how and where it occurred.
Nurse Triage Line
The Employee and the Supervisor immediately call the 24/7 injury hotline at 1-855-519-8472. The injury hotline gathers information over the phone and helps the injured worker access appropriate medical treatment.
Supervisor’s Accident Investigation Report
**Mandatory for any worksite injury**
The injured employee and their Supervisor collaborate to complete the Accident Investigation Report. All supporting documents for the claim, including the completed Accident Investigation Report, must be sent to the District Office ℅ Ashley Dignam, or emailed to within one working day.
Return to Work Plan
Once the employee is cleared by the Physician to return to work, the employee submits the Physician’s Return to Work Evaluation to the District Office. The employee then participates in an interactive dialogue facilitated by Human Resources. A meeting will be coordinated with the employee’s supervisor who is responsible for identifying current job duties alongside possible modified work and/or implementing appropriate job modifications. Together, the employer and the employee create a personalized reasonable accommodation plan for the employee to return to work safely while under restrictions. The priority will be to assign the employee to his/her same work department and same job, if possible to do so. If appropriate tasks cannot be found within the same work department, the employee may be placed in another department within the district. The agreed reasonable accommodation plan is reviewed after each medical appointment with the treating physician.
Please reference BP 4113.4/4213.4 /4313.4 for more information.
Workers’ Compensation Support Clerk:
Ashley Dignam- 805.434.5863
Dr. Edd Bond- 805.434.5805
Please contact Human Resources directly if an employee encounters an injury while outside the working environment, and restrictions are set by a treating physician.
Check this Web site for administrative, certificated, and classified job openings for districts throughout the state. Online applications can be submitted via this site.
San Luis Obispo County Office of Education
The San Luis Obispo County Office of Education Web site provides K-12 public school information for educators, students, and parents.
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
The CCTC division is charged with the evaluation and issuance of teaching credentials, certificates, and permits for public school teachers for the State of California as set forth in the California Education Code.
All substitute employees must apply through our hiring website HERE.
Certificated (Teaching)
In order to work for TUSD, substitute teachers must have either a valid California teaching credential or a 30-day Substitute Teaching Emergency Permit. Substitutes work a half day or a full day.
- $200.00/per day (7 hours)
- $100.00/per half day (3.5 hours)
- $225.00/per day for long term assignments (21+ consecutive days)
Classified (Non-teaching positions)
TUSD hires various classifications of substitutes to serve as support staff when our regular employees are away from their assignments. Work day lengths may vary. Classified substitutes are compensated at the "A" rate on the salary schedule of the position they are working.
Frontline Website
TUSD uses Frontline Absence Management to fill positions needing a sub. Find information for subs here. You must have an active Frontline account created by TUSD Human Resources.
This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software.