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Human Resources

Human Resources

Our Goal: Build further capacity to meet the ongoing staffing needs of the organization and implement a robust multi-faceted professional development program to support the growth and capacity of all staff.

All job applications go through our EdJoin website. Please click here to see current openings.

The Templeton Unified School District Human Resources Office is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.

Meet The Team

Katrina Hughes
(805) 434-5807
Payroll A - I/Accounts Payable

Laura Javine
(805) 434-5808
Payroll J - Z/Health Insurance/Classified employee leaves/PERS retirement

Ashley Tinoco
(805) 434-5801
Human Resources Administrative Assistant

Mia Purdin
(805) 434-5802
Personnel Specialist II

Dr. Edd Bond
(805) 434-5805

TUSD Employees of the Month- December 2024

We have chosen Teri Fredrick as our Certificated Employee of the month. This is Teri’s 6th year supporting one of our Learning Centers at VES as an Education Specialist. Teri works incredibly hard and spends nights and weekends working to ensure she has everything accomplished, and done well. She has developed incredibly positive relationships with staff, students, and families. When there is a need, Teri is always willing to step in! She goes above and beyond in pursuit of the success of her students and delights in their progress. Teri is an incredible asset to TUSD and the Special Education Department. Way to go Teri!

We have chosen Autumn Vetter as our Classified Employee of the month. Autumn came to us last school year and was placed in a challenging assignment, and jumped in to learn her job with enthusiasm and incredible positivity. She has an incredible work ethic and consistently shows up to do her job without complaint, even when we are short staffed and she has to take on more work or take on a new role for the day. Her high level of positivity, consistent professionalism, and constant focus on her job of supporting students to the best of her ability make Autumn an exemplary employee. Way to go Autumn!

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