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Board of Trustees

Templeton USD

General Obligation Bond - Measure D

Citizen's Oversight Committee

Proposition 39 requires school districts that pass Proposition 39 bonds to seat a Citizens’ Oversight Committee (COC) to assure the community that bond funds are expended in the fashion outlined in the district’s bond resolution. The COC shall actively review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers’ money for school construction. The COC must meet at least once a year and inform the public about the expenditure of bond revenues. While only required to meet yearly, COC's typically plan to meet quarterly to discuss progress prior to releasing their yearly report. COC's are required to include the following members, whenever possible.  

  1. One member active in a business organization representing the business community located within the district

  2. One member active in a senior citizens organization

  3. One member active in a bona fide taxpayers' organization

  4. One member who is a parent/guardian of a district student

  5. One member who is a parent/guardian of a district student and is active in a parent- teacher organization, such as the Parent Teacher Association or school site council

  6. Two 'At Large' members

Templeton Unified School District is currently recruiting members of the COC who reside within the district boundaries.  


COC Flyer

Board Policy

Administrative Regulation

TUSD Measure D Board Resolution

Measure D - FAQ Flyer, page 1

Measure D - FAQ Flyer, page 2

What is a General Obligation Bond?

General obligation (GO) bonds are a type of long-term borrowing that California school districts can use to fund projects such as building new classrooms, renovating existing facilities, and acquiring equipment. The bonds are repaid over many years through semi-annual debt service payments. 

School districts can seek voter approval for GO bonds with either a two-thirds or 55% majority. The 55% "supermajority" vote requires additional accountability measures, such as establishing a committee to oversee the use of funds. From 2001 to 2021, 81% of elections held under the 55% option succeeded, compared to 55% of elections held under the two-thirds requirement from 1986 to 2020. 

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