Templeton High hosts four school dances each year and each grade levels officers and representatives are responsible for putting these dances together. A lot of time and effort goes into trying to create for you a fun environment when you can enjoy time with your friends and dance.
If you have questions about the dances you can talk with Mr. Mac or the elected officers who are heading up those dances.

Winter Formal

Sadies 2019

Junior Senior Prom

2023 - 2024 Dances
- Saturday, September 16
- Templeton High School
- 7:30 pm - 10:00pm
- Guest Pass Form - Due to Ms. Hendrickson by Tuesday, September 12th
Hosted by the Sophomore Class
Winter Formal
- Saturday, February 3
- Paso Robles Inn
- 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
- Guest Pass Form - Due to Ms. Hendrickson by Tuesday, January 30th
Hosted by the Senior Class
- Saturday, May 11th
- Tooth and Nail
- 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
- Guest Pass Form - Due to Ms. Hendrickson by Tuesday, May 7th
Hosted by the Junior Class
Ticket Sales
Tickets go on sale in the weeks leading up to the dance and will be announced in the morning bulletin, will be listed on the school calendar and will be posted on the school social media accounts.
Remember to buy your tickets early. Some venues have a maximum capacity and ticket prices will go up as you get closer to the dance or if you have to buy at the door.
Can You Bring Someone From Another School?
In most cases yes, but in order to do so you must pick up a dance pass form from Mrs. Hendrickson in the Administration building or from Mr. Mac. Make sure to fill it out completely and accurately and get it returned by the due date.
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