Support Groups
At THS we have a variety of parent support groups that play a pivotal role in enhancing the overall high school experience for students. These groups are crucial in fostering strong connections between parents, school staff, and the wider community. By working together, they create an environment of collaboration, support, and active involvement that greatly benefits the school community.
Our support groups have a significant impact on the school's extracurricular activities and resources. These clubs raise funds and organize events to support athletic teams, performing arts groups, and other groups on campus. They not only enhance the overall quality of extra and co-curricular activities but also provide students with valuable opportunities for personal growth and achievement.
Our support groups are essential components of a vibrant high school community. They foster open lines of communication, encourage parental involvement, and contribute to the overall well-being and success of students. By working hand in hand with school staff, parents can actively shape the educational experience, ensure the availability of resources, and create a supportive environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
Templeton High School Booster Groups
THS Band Boosters (TIMBA)
Why: Student musicians need more than a teacher and a classroom to develop their full potential. They need opportunities to perform in a variety of ensembles and environments, they need instruments in good repair, and they need experts to help them reach that "next level" in skill. TIMBA volunteers help out at performances, chaperone trips, and organize fundraisers
What we raise funds for: to provide additional resources and opportunities to ensure that Templeton High School maintains the high-quality instrumental music programs that students and our community deserve.
When: Monthly on the third Thursday at 6pm
THS Drama Boosters
Why: We believe that a successful Drama program creates opportunities for students to grow in confidence while they discover their talents, as well as opportunities to learn important life skills and values, such as perseverance, respect for themselves and others (including youth and adult leaders), hard work, leadership, teamwork, setting and achieving goals, communications skills and the importance of commitment. We also believe that live theater is a benefit to the entire community.
What we raise funds for: Student retreats, professional choreography and vocal director, Performing Arts supplies, Scholarships, meals during long rehearsals
When: One Monday evening per month
THS Spirit Boosters
Why: Templeton High School's Spirit Boosters is a non-profit organization run by parent/guardian volunteers to support our students and staff by helping foster a positive culture on campus. Established in 2013 and originally known as THS Culture Initiative (aka THS CI), we encourage kindness, gratitude, giving and inclusivity on campus and beyond to let all students and staff know they are valued.
What we raise funds for: Freshmen and Staff of the Month awards, Link Crew activities aimed at student engagement and freshman support, study groups like Cocoa and Cram, and bringing motivational speakers to campus.
When: First Thursday of every month at 2:00pm in B-11.
- @Templeton High School Spirit Boosters
THS Athletic Boosters
Why: We hope to unite parents, students, faculty, alumni and community in the common interest of supporting and encouraging participation in interscholastic sports programs, recognizing the integral role athletics play in the education and development of our students. We also hope to promote the mental, physical, emotional and social benefits of interscholastic athletic competition at THS as well as instill a sense of pride and school spirit in all our athletes and community at large.
What we raise funds for: new, upgraded equipment, uniforms, video programs, scholarships, tournament fees, banners for seniors and more.
When: Second Monday of every month at 6pm at THS in room C14
- THS Calendar
- Instructional Calendar 2024/2025 (opens in new window)
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- THS School Profile (opens in new window)
- Templeton Foundation (opens in new window)
- Fundraising Request Form (opens in new window)
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- Instructional Calendar 2025/2026
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