Welcome to the 2023-24 School year!
August 2, 2023
Dear Templeton High School Community:
Welcome to the 2023-24 school year! I hope you are feeling rejuvenated and prepared for the new year.
It has been a privilege to serve as the Templeton High School principal for this past school year. I recognize that high school is an exciting and important time for our students and families, and I am committed to providing a meaningful educational experience that motivates students to reach their full potential. The THS staff is committed to modeling professionalism, meeting the individual needs of all students, celebrating their successes while maintaining personal connections with our families and community. We strive to help each student get involved on campus, and develop a connection to our high school community. I am proud of what has been accomplished thus far at Templeton High School, and I look forward to pressing ahead this new school year.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to several new yet experienced teachers at Templeton High School. We are fortunate to have Mrs. Kaitlyn Zak and Mr. Grant Craton join the THS staff from Templeton Middle School. Mrs. Zak will join the English Department, as well as serve as a part time Dean of Students, while Mr. Craton will join the Social Science Department. We are excited to have both of these dedicated, student-centered individuals join our team. We would also like to congratulate Mrs. Stephanie LeClair as she has taken on the position of THS Drama teacher and director as well as Mrs. Davina White as she has been selected as the THS and TMS Math Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA). Mrs. Patricia Hurley will join us from Shandon as a member of the English Department, and Mrs. Jana Mooney will join us from San Luis Coastal as a member of the Math Department. Each of these talented individuals will be excellent additions to our Templeton High School family.
On behalf of the Templeton High School staff we look forward to seeing many new and familiar faces on the first day of school.
Warm regards,
Jessica Lloyd
Jessica Lloyd, THS Principal