TIMBA is Templeton High School's band booster organization, dedicated to enhancing the experiences of THS musicians.
Student musicians need more than a teacher and a classroom to develop their full potential. They need opportunities to perform in a variety of ensembles and environments, they need instruments in good repair, and they need experts to help them reach that "next level" in skill. TIMBA volunteers help out at performances, chaperone trips, and organize fundraisers. The funds we raise provide additional resources and opportunities to ensure that Templeton High School maintains the high-quality instrumental music programs that students and our community deserve.
TIMBA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We very much appreciate your support. If you would like to make a donation, please mail it to us at P.O. Box 1332, Templeton, CA
If you would like to be added to our email list to get updates about our activities and fundraisers, please drop us a line at templetonbandboosters@gmail.com.

- THS Calendar
- Instructional Calendar 2024/2025 (opens in new window)
- THS on Facebook (opens in new window)
- Counseling
- THS STEM Academy
- Testing
- Support Groups
- Enrollment Info (opens in new window)
- Work Permit (opens in new window)
- Library (opens in new window)
- THS School Profile (opens in new window)
- Templeton Foundation (opens in new window)
- Fundraising Request Form (opens in new window)
- Health
- Instructional Calendar 2025/2026
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