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Driver Clearance

THANK YOU for considering to become a volunteer driver for TUSD. Fingerprinting can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks to clear, so don't wait! Here are the necessary steps:

  1. You need to complete a TB test and obtain DOJ Fingerprinting (both in the VOLUNTEER PACKET) from the District Office. You will submit the volunteer packet once it is completed.
  2. Bring a copy of your driver's license, insurance, and H-6 (driving record printed at the DMV) to TUSD MOT Office, located across Old County Road from the TMS office (The printed driving record you can obtain online cannot be accepted.)
  3. You will be asked to sign a DMV Pull Notice consent form, enabling TUSD to pull your driving record in the future, saving you future trips to the DMV!  You will also sign the Van Driver Contract.
  4. Complete the Van Safety Quiz Google Form!

Once again, thank you for becoming a volunteer driver. Additional questions can be directed to

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