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THS Athletic Staff Directory

Athletic Director

Joseph Farley

Athletic Director

Fall Coaches

Don Crow

Coach - Varsity Football

Michelle Hahn

Coach - Girls Golf

Summer Ramos

Coach - Cheer

Rosalie Smith

Coach - Varsity Cross Country, Track

Terri Wilson

Coach - Girls Varsity Tennis

Heidi Thompson

Girls Volleyball Coach

Winter Coaches

Shawn Koehler

Coach - Varsity Girls Basketball

Lawren Ramos

Coach - Varsity Boys Basketball

Summer Ramos

Coach - Cheer

Brad Rubin

Coach - Varsity Boys Soccer

Steve Wells

Coach - Varsity Girls Soccer

Spring Coaches

Ian Consoli

Coach - Varsity Boys Tennis

Scott Cramer

Coach - Varsity Boys Golf

Steve McClean

Coach - Varsity Boys Volleyball

Karen Neil

Coach, THS Swim

Rosalie Smith

Coach - Varsity Cross Country, Track

Keith Swank

Coach - Varsity Softball

Katie Tucker

Coach - Swim

THS Eagles Fan Zone


Purchase any of your THS Athletic admissions through the THS Go Fan Portal by clicking on the GoFan logo above and filter what you are looking for or scroll through upcoming events.  Your phone is your ticket.


This is the place to get your THS merchandise - sweatshirts, hats, tumblers, t-shirts, sweats  and more.  Rep your favorite Eagles  team, club or organization.  Everything is customizable. Nike, UA, NorthFace, Carhardt and more.


Can't make it to a game, no problem.  We have you covered.  Watch high school sports and events nationwide, live and on demand, via the NFHS Network. Stream regular season and playoffs online from anywhere.  Click on logo above for upcoming events. 

Athletic Resources for Players, Coaches and Fans

Athletic Clearance

In order to participate on an athletic team all athletes must be cleared through Home Campus.  Its easy to do.  Click on the image above and login in to your account.  If it is your first time on the site you will have to create an account.  If you have problems reach out to THS Athletic Director Joe Farley or your coach.

Title IX Report

In accordance with Title IX regulations and the Sex Equity in Education Act Annual Notification policy as laid out by the California Education Code,  data is required to be reported and posted under “Athletics” on the school website.  Click the image above to see the latest facts and figures regarding Title IX regulations and our THS athletic teams.

Grade Checks

Those students who participate in THS athletics are reminded that they are “scholar-athletes” and as such must uphold satisfactory grades in order to participate.  Grades are checked on a monthly basis on the first Monday of the month.  Click on the image above to see more information about grade checks, eligibility and deadlines.

Athletics Handbook

The contents published in the Templeton High School Athletics Handbook seek to establish and maintain transparency in regards to the adopted policies and procedures, as well as to foster efficient operations within Templeton High School Athletics.  Click the image above to view the Athletics Handbook.

THS Athletic Boosters


  • To unite the parents, students, faculty, alumni, and community in the common interest of supporting and encouraging participation in interscholastic sports programs, recognizing the integral role athletics play in the education and development of our students.
  • To promote the mental, physical, emotional, and social benefits of interscholastic athletic competition at Templeton High School.
  • To instill a sense of school pride and school spirit in all of our athletes and the community at  large.
  • To provide financial support to THS athletic programs.

Upcoming Events:

  • January 27, 2024 - Inaugural Hall of Fame Dinner
  • April 21, 2024 Annual Golf Tournament

Learn more about THS Athletic Boosters 

Fall Sports Information

Winter Sports Information

Spring Sports Information

Athletic Honors

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