Templeton Home School

Welcome to Templeton Unified School District’s K-8 Home School program. We offer a home-centered independent study instructional program designed for parents who feel that the educational goals for their children can best be met through this alternative to the traditional classroom. Home School provides individualized instructional support and enrichment activities for parents who have the desire to assume the responsibilities of a home education for their children.
Home School teachers are highly qualified and fully credentialed. Our teachers provide courses of study from standards based curriculum which is designed to meet the educational needs of each student. These courses are equivalent in content and structure to those offered in traditional schools. Supplemental resources, skill mastery, accelerated learning and enrichment activities are all aspects of the programs that we develop to best serve each student’s needs.
2023 - 2024 SCHOOL YEAR
Hello Families,
The upcoming school year is fast approaching. Families that are interested in enrolling in Templeton Home School (grades TK – 8), for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year, please complete the following items.
- Complete this Pre-Enrollment Checklist located under forms. I will notify you when it is received.
- For students that do not live within the Templeton Unified School District Boundaries will need to get an approved Interdistrict Transfer Request from their home district prior to any enrollment process.
- Once the Pre-Enrollment process is complete and your student is approved for enrollment, I will send you the official enrollment packet via email.
- All enrollment packets need to be completed and turned in to me no later than Friday, August 18th for processing.
School begins on Tuesday, August 22nd
964 Old County Road, Templeton Ca 93465
Phone: (805) 434-5833
Fax: (805) 434-3879
Welcome to Friday Electives!
Activities include:
Administrator: Ian Trejo
Registrar: Janice Casacca
Teacher: Donnia Callahan
Teacher: Lisa Delgadillo
Teacher: Kerry Estes
Templeton Home School follows the same calendar year as our other school sites. Students can enroll in our program anytime throughout the school year. To enroll in home school, please contact our registrar, Brandi Javine at (805) 434-5833. You can fill out the Enrollment Packet linked above. Families that live outside of the Templeton School District need to obtain an Interdistrict Transfer Request from their home district. Once approved, we can continue the enrollment process.
Our home school is a parent-taught program with the assistance of a Certified Teacher. Students will work independently with their parents throughout the week on materials that are assigned to them. They will meet with their teacher for 45 minutes once per week to discuss their assignments. Our program provides all learning materials and textbooks to students free of charge.

Welcome to Friday Electives!
Activities include:
Field Trips
Hiking Club

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