May 2025


Date Event
2025-05-01 (Thu) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
WHITE DAY [Templeton High School]
CAASPP Tesing Makeups [Templeton High School] — 7:00 am - 7:25 am
Drama Field Trip-PCPA, Allen Hancock [Templeton High School] — 8:15 am - 3:22 pm
2025-05-02 (Fri) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
GREEN DAY [Templeton High School]
Human Bean [Templeton High School] — 6:30 am - 8:30 am
CAASPP Tesing Makeups [Templeton High School] — 7:00 am - 7:25 am
2025-05-03 (Sat) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
FFA State CDE Finals [Templeton High School]
2025-05-04 (Sun) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
2025-05-05 (Mon) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
Staff Appreciation Week [Templeton High School]
Birthday-Joe Farley [Templeton High School]
WHITE DAY [Templeton High School]
2025-05-06 (Tue) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
Staff Appreciation Week [Templeton High School]
AP Testing [Templeton High School]
GREEN DAY [Templeton High School]
Eagle Eye [Templeton High School] — 3:30 am - 4:00 am
Proctors Needed for AP testing [Templeton High School] — 7:30 am - 12:30 pm
Student Senate Meeting [Templeton High School] — 1:15 pm - 1:45 pm
PBIS Team Celebration! [Templeton High School] — 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm
FFA Banquet [Templeton High School] — 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
2025-05-07 (Wed) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
Staff Appreciation Week [Templeton High School]
AP Testing [Templeton High School]
Bike to School Day [Templeton High School]
WHITE DAY [Templeton High School]
Early Release Day (check individual schools for exact time) [Templeton High School]
Proctors Needed for AP testing [Templeton High School] — 7:30 am - 12:30 pm
Staff Meeting [Templeton High School] — 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
THS Maker Faire [Templeton High School] — 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
2025-05-08 (Thu) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
Staff Appreciation Week [Templeton High School]
AP Testing [Templeton High School]
GREEN DAY [Templeton High School]
Board Meeting [Templeton High School] — 6:00 pm - 9:45 pm
2025-05-09 (Fri) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
Staff Appreciation Week [Templeton High School]
Ag Info Day [Templeton High School]
WHITE DAY [Templeton High School]
Cougar Welcome Days [Templeton High School] — 8:30 am - 2:00 pm
2025-05-10 (Sat) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
THS Prom 2025 [Templeton High School] — 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
2025-05-11 (Sun) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
2025-05-12 (Mon) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
AP Testing [Templeton High School]
GREEN DAY [Templeton High School]
Proctors Needed for AP testing [Templeton High School] — 7:30 am - 12:30 pm
2025-05-13 (Tue) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
AP Testing [Templeton High School]
WHITE DAY [Templeton High School]
THS Band Concert - TPAC [Templeton High School] — 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
2025-05-14 (Wed) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
AP Testing [Templeton High School]
Salinas Valley Fair [Templeton High School]
GREEN DAY [Templeton High School]
Early Release Day (check individual schools for exact time) [Templeton High School]
Department Chair Meeting/Department Collaboration [Templeton High School] — 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
2025-05-15 (Thu) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
AP Testing [Templeton High School]
Salinas Valley Fair [Templeton High School]
WHITE DAY [Templeton High School]
VES Open House & Spring Fling [Templeton High School] — 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
2025-05-16 (Fri) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
AP Testing [Templeton High School]
Salinas Valley Fair [Templeton High School]
GREEN DAY [Templeton High School]
2025-05-17 (Sat) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
Salinas Valley Fair [Templeton High School]
2025-05-18 (Sun) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
Salinas Valley Fair [Templeton High School]
2025-05-19 (Mon) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
Art Show [Templeton High School]
WHITE DAY [Templeton High School]
2025-05-20 (Tue) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
Art Show [Templeton High School]
GREEN DAY [Templeton High School]
THS Spring Concert [Templeton High School] — 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
2025-05-21 (Wed) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
Art Show [Templeton High School]
Early Release Day (check individual schools for exact time) [Templeton High School]
WHITE DAY [Templeton High School]
PLC-Early Release-District Led or Teacher Director [Templeton High School] — 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
THS Scholarship Night [Templeton High School] — 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
2025-05-22 (Thu) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
Art Show [Templeton High School]
GREEN DAY [Templeton High School]
Board Meeting [Templeton High School] — 6:00 pm - 9:45 pm
2025-05-23 (Fri) FFA Pet Food Drive [Templeton High School]
Art Show [Templeton High School]
WHITE DAY [Templeton High School]
2025-05-24 (Sat) Art Show [Templeton High School]
2025-05-25 (Sun) Art Show [Templeton High School]
2025-05-26 (Mon) Memorial Day Holiday - No School [Templeton High School] — 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Art Show [Templeton High School]
2025-05-27 (Tue) GREEN DAY [Templeton High School]
Art Show [Templeton High School]
THS Advanced Drama Showcase and Beginning Drama One-Act Play [Templeton High School] — 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
2025-05-28 (Wed) WHITE DAY [Templeton High School]
Art Show [Templeton High School]
THS Senior Walk [Templeton High School] — 10:15 am - 11:15 am
PLC-Early Release-Teacher directed [Templeton High School] — 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
THS Art Show [Templeton High School] — 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
THS Evening for the Stars [Templeton High School] — 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
2025-05-29 (Thu) Birthday Lunch Celebration [Templeton High School]
Art Show [Templeton High School]
GREEN DAY [Templeton High School]
2025-05-30 (Fri) THS Finals [Templeton High School]
Art Show [Templeton High School]
District Wide Minimum Day [Templeton High School]